Welcome to SHAPE

We help companies improve their productivity through their people. We provide the instrument which assesses the need, and the strategies to optimise every employee’s desire and ability to turn up and perform at work. ​


At our core, we’re solving the hardest workplace problems through data, science and creative design. Our deep tech approach has allowed us to take on one of the biggest challenge of our times – measure and grow employee, teams and leadership productivity in any company, industry, and country, or any combination thereof.

​SHAPE is the System for Health, Attendance, Productivity and Engagement. Founded by Dr. John Lang and Ali Khan, our background is in delivering hands-on company change through its people. We help companies understand the art and science of people performance. Through our work, we inspire actions that create sustainable behaviour change through the unification of data intelligence needed to enhance people productivity and drive employee value.

Dr. John Lang


John Lang, PhD has over thirty years of experience as a leader in the field of employee wellbeing, including the establishment of the industry body which he led for six years. He has led several organisations to market leader status in Australia, including Alere Health and Good Health Solutions from founder through to acquisition status.

With a background in both mathematics and medicine, John's health risk prediction algorithms power health assessments the world over. The application of these advanced techniques to the SHAPE platform widens the scope from physical and psychological health of employees to include critical performance-related areas of culture, engagement, work/life balance, management style and other elements of the work environment that determine the people productivity enablers at work.

Ali Khan


Ali Khan is a healthcare executive and entrepreneur. He is known for founding, developing, and delivering transformative health ventures that scale globally.

Ali's experience spans over two decades, most recently developing and scaling the global insurer AXA's flagship well-being services as their Chief Science Innovation Officer, and as Co-Founder & CIO of next generation infectious disease diagnostics company SensusDx, Inc.

Ali is also an avid investor, and advisor to multiple start-ups, corporate and academic institutions.

You’re in charge, get started anytime​
Get in touch, we’d love to show you why we’re the new standard in employee engagement. It takes just 10 mins.​